2025年已过去 4.97%
S2完成第二步    @ 2006-03-04, 04:06


计划下周基本完成SUISkin for Skin2的开发。新网站模板出来后,可以先用来做SkinBuilder的文档,边开发SUISkin,边抽空完成SkinBuilder的产品化。这样在后期产品化时,不会太忙乱。

另外,esan已经完成PIMOne 5的开发,下周发布。

东日软件 | 评论已关闭 | 15,118 次阅读
2006飞逝之六分之一    @ 2006-02-28, 04:41





农码生涯 | 5 个评论 | 44,677 次阅读
S2完成第一步    @ 2006-02-17, 21:00



接下去就是做 skin compiler了。

东日软件 | 评论已关闭 | 15,233 次阅读
有朋自远方来    @ 2006-02-11, 17:26

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? :grin:



东日软件 | 4 个评论 | 16,397 次阅读
Borland卖家产了    @ 2006-02-09, 00:08


Borland plans separate company for Delphi, JBuilder, C++Builder, InterBase, JDataStore and other developer products…

To our loyal developer community:

Today, Wednesday February 8, 2006 at 1am Pacific Time, Borland announced plans to seek a buyer for our IDE product lines that include Delphi, C++Builder, C#Builder, JBuilder (and Peloton), InterBase, JDataStore, nDataStore, Kylix, and our older Borland and Turbo language products and tools. The goal is to create a standalone business focused on advancing individual developer productivity using the people inside Borland who are focused on the success of these award winning products.

It is not a trivial decision to separate our IDE business from our ALM business. As we look back over the past two years and how we have operated as a company, we have continually had to weigh every dollar investment in our ALM and developer products. All too often we have chosen to invest in ALM, because of our stated direction around ALM growth and market opportunity. But we all know that our loyal customer base demands more. There is tremendous potential that has been untapped due to the company’s focus towards an enterprise go-to-market model, with an emphasis on a more consultative, lifecycle sale forcing us to invest more into our ALM products, ALM marketing, and our enterprise field model. This is a very different model from our mostly channel-focused, direct-to-developer marketing, and delivery model (using shrink wrapped boxes and e-shop downloads).

Focus is a key success factor in business. With this announcement, both companies will have the focus they need to thrive and help our customers be successful. I think it’s great that Borland is letting us be part of a new focused company that brings together the team that is passionate about developers and development. We want to continue to create the best solutions and technology for the benefit of you, our community of developers. We are developers working on developer products for our customers who are developers. This is a special relationship that is unique in software. We get to work on products that we use ourselves and that our developer community love.

I started using Turbo Pascal v1.0 in November of 1983 when Philippe Kahn gave me a copy at Comdex Las Vegas. I put it in my IBM PC and knew immediately that this was something different. From that day, I knew I wanted to go to work for Borland. I started working at Borland on June 17, 1985 and for the past 20+ years I have had the pleasure of being a part of a great company and a great community of software developers. I’ve had the luxury and pleasure to manage the compiler group in R&D in the early Turbo Language days. For the past 15 years I’ve run Developer Relations allowing me (and our team) to travel around the world to visit with tens of thousands of programmers. I get to come to work every day and collaborate with the best developer focused software engineers on the planet.

I’m really excited to be moving to the new company. We’ve got the right team members, we’ve got the tool and component partner eco-system, we have the authors, trainers, consultants, and we have the most important part – a loyal community. Our new company will be focused completely on you and your success. Yes, both companies will have a focus on software development. Both are going to advance the state-of-the-art and best practices. They’ll just do it in different ways. Ours will do it by focusing on developer productivity and building great application development products using our award winning IDEs, tools, component libraries, class libraries, and database technologies. Borland will do it by addressing the needs of larger organizations, helping them optimize their software delivery.

I was asked today by Daryl Taft of eWeek magazine, “As Borland’s longest term employee, how does the spin-off hit you?” I answered by saying, I am moving forward as part of the new company with a huge smile on my face and a small tear in my eye.

I want to assure all of you that we are here in Scotts Valley, and around the world, working on future versions of Delphi, JBuilder and our other products. We are still listening to your needs, issues, and suggestions. We are tracking with the new platform initiatives for Windows, .NET, Java, open standards, and emerging technologies that you want to leverage.

This is the right thing to do for our IDE business. It’s the right thing to do for Borland’s ALM focus. Our priority is to ensure a smooth and successful migration for our developer customer base, and create a vehicle for giving it greater investment, focus and growth. This is not the shutting down of a product line, but the empowering of it. This move is in the best interests of our customers, company, and community.

The buyer of our IDE product lines has not yet been identified, but I and other members of our developer team are working with Borland’s executive management to ensure that we identify the right buyer who will advance the IDE business. Borland is committed to its customers first and foremost, and taking care of their ongoing needs. We will keep you informed along the journey.

Go Borland. Go New Company. Go Developers!!!

David Intersimone, “David I”
Vice President, Developer Relations and Chief Evangelist
Borland Software Corporation

转贴收藏 | 1 个评论 | 47,740 次阅读
过年之后    @ 2006-02-05, 13:06




无酒无花 | 5 个评论 | 27,723 次阅读
车被偷了    @ 2006-01-22, 18:35

三个月前买的两辆车,陪我们锻炼,超市采购,以及在LP住院的期间帮助送饭,在今天,不见了~~ :cry:

车一直停在底楼楼道口(楼防盗门内),昨晚回家,还看着他们安静的停在那儿。今天出门时,LP发现两辆车一起消失了~~ :cry:



无酒无花 | 3 个评论 | 33,288 次阅读
多事的一月    @ 2006-01-19, 02:04


一月过大半,却事与愿违,多事(但似乎不是“忙碌”)。忙碌是不得闲,而我的状态呢?很多事挂着,虽然有闲,但闲的时间很分散,很难彻底放松,心头总挂着事情(比如处理邮件,不知道为什么一月份那么多邮件 :sad: )。





农码生涯 | 4 个评论 | 71,542 次阅读
for C++Builder 2006    @ 2006-01-07, 08:06

在电脑前坐了14个小时,终于搞定了C++Builder 2006,把VCL产品移植上去了。


不过,修改组件的安装程序和自动打包程序,费了很大劲。C++Builder 2006和Delphi 2006竟然共享一个Known Packages(注册表中),然后通过一种很怪异的方式来区分(或者标志为全支持)属于哪个personality~~摸索这个真是要人命~~



农码生涯 | 2 个评论 | 29,257 次阅读
2006来了    @ 2006-01-02, 01:45











农码生涯 | 3 个评论 | 52,591 次阅读